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Efficacy Morning Sun Bathing

suex | 2komentar
Reading Always ~ Often we feel the heat of the sun in the morning, but we do not know what khasitanya behind the sun ituh not. often we listen to the words of people that the sun gives us vitamin D, but we also do not know the properties other than the sun ituh. So from ituh you need to read this article to increase your knowledge about the properties given in the morning sun.

Researchers have proved that there are many benefits to be gained if a person perform activities outside the home and getting enough sunlight. This can be useful if the sun is obtained during the morning.

Here are some of the benefits of sunlight for health :

1. Vitamin D
Sunlight stimulates the body to produce vitamin D. Sunlight on the face, neck, arms and legs for 10-15 minutes can produce vitamin D the body needs. This vitamin increases the absorption of calcium in the gut and calcium transfer across the cell membrane that are useful for bone strength
2. Serotonin
Sunlight can stimulate the production of serotonin (a neurotransmitter in the brain that regulate mood). The higher the serotonin produced hatia then the atmosphere would be more positive.

3. Fight depression
Sunlight against and reduces depression because it releases endorphins that act as natural anti-depressant and is very useful for cases of seasonal depression (seasonal affective disorder / SAD).
4. Increases blood circulation
Sunlight increases blood circulation by expanding blood vessels in the skin, thus bringing more nutrients and oxygen to the cells. It also makes a healthy heart by lowering heart rate and reduce blood pressure.
5. Beneficial for the skin
Chronic skin conditions like acne, eczema and psoriasis had improved and lower manifestations of stretch marks, scars and other skin disorders.
6. Reducing cancer risk
Vitamin D synthesis is stimulated by sunlight so that significantly helps reduce the risk of various forms of cancer such as prostate, colon, breast and ovary. But remember that not too much, because it can menyababkan skin cancer.
7. Preventing diabetes
The new study shows that adequate sun exposure likely plays an important role in helping to prevent type 1 diabetes in children, as well as lowering blood sugar levels by stimulating the storage of glucose in muscle and liver.
8. Strengthens the immune system
Sunlight supports the immune system, because when exposed to the body will produce more white blood cells that help ward off infections and other diseases produced by bacteria, fungi or viruses.
9. Detoxification of the body
Sunlight memembantu remove waste from the body by improving liver function and increase blood circulation so that the elimination of waste through the blood more efficiently.
10. Improve sleep quality
Sunlight increases the production of melatonin are needed to improve sleep quality. Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland, a small pea-sized organ found at the base of the brain.
11. Beneficial for stomach
Sunlight is good for improving appetite, improve digestive system and metabolic processes.
But you have to remember first. If the day wore on you should not get the sun, why because the atmosphere in the afternoon sun emits ultraviolet light is very hot. So it is not good for your body, your skin ituh own good.

You can protect them with clothes like the clothes or to the head you can use umbrellas and hats. Hopefully this can be useful health tips for your life each.

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2 komentar:

Lina CahNdeso said...

Useful post, I am reading and learn it by heart; btw, I already follow you on number # 5 - pelase follow me too, Guys. Thanks

suex said...

@Cahndeso ~ thank you already visit and follow me.
I soon will follow you back, thanks guys

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